Tuesday, April 8, 2008


...saw Low last night at this old, really nice theatre... me and Anna were on the first row on the balcony and had great seats... Low was just amazing and really tight and intense... one of the better shows i have seen in a long time... great sound too... especially pissed and dragonfly were good... really good guitars from alan sparhawk... he kind of riffed and played solo at the same time... something i really only have seen bob mould do before...

...minnesota against colorado... this will be good!!

...thursday is malcolm middleton and then the posies on sunday, the gutter twins next tuesday and we end the month with entombed on the 26th... great month for rock...

rereading please kill me again... great book, great time and great music... i am really glad i tried to see as much of the classic places as i could while i was living in new york... i mean cbgb's is not even there anymore... what a crappy place that was though... lots of history and a great soundsystem, but what a crappy place, disgusting bathrooms too... saw a great show with bird blobs there though... and a really shitty one with the vines... but who is really surprised...

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