Monday, April 21, 2008

Kill All Hippies. colorado won... again... and wild's season is over... well, well, they lasted pretty long, maybe next year... so the hope is for rangers (yeah, sure) and detroit now... i really feel that detroit can take home the whole thing... lets cross our fingers...

...translated a lot this weekend, which feels really good... if i could just finish the damn thing soon... parents will show up on friday with my new cd-shelves... really exciting... the first time in a looong while that i will have proper shelves and be able to keep order again... will be nice for anna also when i am not running around in a frenzy trying to locate a specific cd... -it is gone, i have lost it, and i need that song now!

Punk is not sexual, its just aggression
10-4 old buddies
Destroy, kill all hippies
Anarchy! disco sucks
Subvert normality
-primal scream

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