Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Electric Alice i was not gonna go to any festivals this summer... i was not going to spend all my time and money as i usually do, running around on festivals, sleeping in tents, eating bad food and doing my toilet buisness in well-peed bushes... but man, was i wrong... today the festival in göteborg (way out west) announced some new bands and i had no choice but to try and get a ticket... listen to this:
sonic youth
flaming lips

and G R I N D E R MA N

...of course it is probably to late to get a ticket, and i am probably to broke... but i will try... i will really try... i do not care about the national, sigur ros, yeahsayer, franz ferdinand or all the other indie-bands, seen them all, been there, done that... but grinderman... i mean seriously... grinderman....

i have to go...

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