Friday, April 4, 2008

Everything's a wave no ones real surprise did i sleep bad last night... or to be more truthfull, i did not sleep much at all... my insomnia comes and goes, but i have always had trouble sleeping... i never really fall asleep and i wake up really early... in new york things were really bad and i did not have a full nights sleep for four years... that could have been because i had a rotating schedule of opening, midday and night shifts all mixed up and different each week... it could be monday 9-17, tuesday 19 - 02, wednesday 12- 18, thursday 9-17, friday 19-02 and so on... so i could go to bed at around 23.oo and lay in bed and toss and turn fully awake until i gave up around 3 or 4 and went up and wacthed some tv or something, night after night... but it has been really good now for awhile, which is why that last week has caught me by surprise... i am back in the tossing and turning mode... the only difference now is that i get up at 4.44 every morning, so if i fall asleep at around 3 i do not get much sleep at all... but enough whining...

ministry's cover album is pretty damn fun, not great, but fun, i love the version of rolling stones under my thumb and radar love is pretty damn good too.... check it out...

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