Monday, December 15, 2008

No Sleep ´til Hammersmith

Went and saw Motörhead... again! And it was definitely one of the better times I have seen them, which is pretty insane considering that Lemmy turns 63 in two weeks. They opened with Iron Fist and then straight into Stay Clean and not a lot of openings get a lot better than that. They had a pretty big production for being Motörhead, lots of lights, smoke and fire, oh yeah, lots of fire. The highpoint was probably a brilliant version of Metropolis and a absolutely insane Overkill with six minutes of only strobes and fire. Love it!

Anna also left for the states this weekend, so I am alone for a week, which usually means that I watch way to many movies and eat badly. But I am not sure I actually have time for that this week, got a lot of stuff to do, presents to buy and bags to pack. And then on saturday I will board a plane for Minneapolis. I am really looking forward to going there again, and to have some time off.

Anyway, time to do some dishes.

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