Monday, December 8, 2008

Fine Art In Silver

Hmm, took me quite a while to write again. But I have a great excuse, well a pretty good one at least. Tons of stuff has happened in a really short time and Anna and I have been pretty busy. But where to start?
Somewhere in the middle I guess.
Anna and I have started this tradition where we invite our friends every year for a big thanksgiving dinner. We cook for two days and then people come over drink a lot of beer and wine and finish all the food in a couple of hours. It is always really fun and even though we almost kill ourselves with the cooking it is obviously enough fun that we keep doing it. The tough part in Sweden is getting a big enough turkey, turkeys over here are pretty small (with american standards) and pretty damn frozen. The turkey this year took two days to thaw, which was a little big too long since I did not really start the process until 24 hours before the guests were coming. But everything went really well and people enjoyed the food and the drinks.
About that time, Anna got laid off. The financial crisis hit Sweden a little bit later and the small company that Anna works for were forced to cut down on personel. So Anna and four others were laid off. Annas last day will be january 8th. This means that we have to do some serious cuttings in our budget, but it should not be too bad. Anna is a member of the union and will get unemployment pay and I got a raise the same day she got the boot (how is that for irony).
What else? Hmm, maybe that was it.
Anyway, over and out.

Motörhead is in 5 days.

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