Monday, December 22, 2008

Echo Of My Scream

Landed in Minneapolis yesterday after a long plane ride. I watched four movies, drank red wine and read a book. When we got to Minnesota we had to circle the state because the landing strips had to be plowed first. And then when we had landed Homeland Security took me in for questioning as they always do. Must say that even though I am used to it now (they always take me in for questioning), it is starting to get pretty annoying, mainly because they are so damn rude about it. This time the man behind the counter told me, and I am quoting: "It is obvious that you worked very hard to get your Green Card, but since you then decided not to live in the US you are not worthy of having one". And then they took it. So I am no longer a Green Card holding member of the United States Of America, from now on I am just a little Swedish music nerd.

Anyway, Minneapolis is covered with snow and right now it is -11 F (that is -24 C for you europeans, well I guess that is me). Yesterday I went to Electric Fetus, the best record store in the state of Minnesota and spent a lot of money. Felt great.

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