Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Storm Warnings.

So, the biggest reason why I have not been here for awhile is spelled The Wire. I have, about 6 years after everybody else, discovered this absolutely magnificent tv-series. Anna and I are now about halfway into season 2 and we cannot stop. This is one of the few shows I have seen in which every character is fully 3-dimensional. The cops, the villians, the gangsters, they are all good and bad, and no one is 100% of anything. I root just as much for some of the gangsters as some of the cops. Just like I think some cops are worse than some of the gangsters. Truly good writing and good environment. It is funny that two of my favorite shows are both on HBO and both the biggest losses the channel has had. Seems like not that many people like dark dramas with lots of talk and interesting characters. Eveything that The Wire and Deadwood have.
And if anyone cares, my two favorites in The Wire are Bubbles and Omar.

Wrote a long review today about the new Metallica and I tried to be as fair as I could but it is really hard when a band has that much history and that much amazing music and just as much crap behind them. But I think the review turned out ok.

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