Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bedårande Barn Av SinTid

Went and saw Tropic Thunder last night. And I must say that it was a long time since I laughed that hard. The movie is so stupid and so damn funny. Robert Downey Jr takes his character and just runs with it. I do not want to say too much, but he dominates almost every scene that he is in. The funny thing is though that the one that steals the show is Tom Cruise. He must have had so much fun with that roll. Think I just got a newfound respect for the old bartender. So just take my word for it and go and see it right away. And do not miss the trailers in the beginning, if I made trailers in Hollywood I would seriously consider a new approach after this movie.

Song of the day: Noice - Bedårande Barn Av Sin tid

1 comment:

Tony said...

Tom Cruise was the best! I like that they made him bald, but then gave him hair everywhere else! Can't wait for it on DVD. Hopefully there's a ton of extras.