Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Got a new modem today from my internet provider. So my wireless does not work now. I have spent the whole afternoon working on this and sitting on the phone with my provider. I have done everything they say and still nothing. Extremely frustrating. So now I am sitting here hooked up with cables bloody everywhere and NO wireless.

Song of the day:

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Bedårande Barn Av SinTid

Went and saw Tropic Thunder last night. And I must say that it was a long time since I laughed that hard. The movie is so stupid and so damn funny. Robert Downey Jr takes his character and just runs with it. I do not want to say too much, but he dominates almost every scene that he is in. The funny thing is though that the one that steals the show is Tom Cruise. He must have had so much fun with that roll. Think I just got a newfound respect for the old bartender. So just take my word for it and go and see it right away. And do not miss the trailers in the beginning, if I made trailers in Hollywood I would seriously consider a new approach after this movie.

Song of the day: Noice - Bedårande Barn Av Sin tid

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Ogre Battle.

Turn up your speakers and put on your platform boots and white jumpsuits. It is time for the song of the day.


Monday, September 22, 2008


The tickets for the Minnesota Wild games in December were released on Saturday at 19.00, my time. I sat down in front of the computer a couple of minutes early and waited. When the clock struck 19.00 I started trying to buy tickets and nothing happened. I was planning on seeing two games, Wild- Hurricanes on the 23rd and Wild - Blackhawks on the 28th. I started with the Blackhawks. Everything for $46, sold out, I tried $24, sold out, I tried higher prices and higher prices. Finally at 19.04 I got two tickets for $98 each!!! I looked at Anna, what should I do? Just buy them she says. I click and I pay and I buy. Two seats in the club level for $98 each. I have no idea what this means so I look into it. It means middle of the arena, not very high up, two barstools (!!) at the drinkrail (!!). Damn, is that good? Bad? Did I just get screwed? I go into the Wild forum, I do a search for: barstool seating excel center. I find a couple of things. One says: best seats in the house. Another one writes: best seats in the arena, but beware of personal space, you will have to push people away and tell them that you actually paid for these seats.
Hmm, good? Bad? I decide that we got excellent seats and that it was totally worth the money. I also decide that one game is enough. So here we go, NHL game this year again!!!

Song of the day: Death From Above 1979 - Black History Month

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sleep When I'm Dead.

I am so tired today. For some reason I could not sleep last night, just tossed around, kicked my legs and turned the pillow around. Annoying as hell. Finally I got up and walked around the dark apartment, stretching, doing jumps and drinking water. But nothing worked. After getting out of bed and doing this a couple of times I sat down and read a little. Finally fell asleep at 3.00. The alarm went off at 4.45 as usual and it was time to work.
Right now I function as well as a zombie. My brain in sludge and my body heavy and lazy.

Listening to: autechre, the cure, the dandy warhols

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I'm Jim Morrison, I'm Dead

Got the new Mogwai The Hawk Is Howling in the mail today. It sounds really good after the first listen. See what the round can do with it tomorrow.
Also got the new Imperiet dvd (for all you people out there in the rest of the world, Imperiet was the best band we had in this country in the eighties, they broke up september 11 1988). It was filmed by Peter Stormare at the final show at Ritz in Stockholm and is really damn good. The problem is that today Imperiet themselves stopped the release, and right now I have no idea what will happen with it. The Thåström forum is going warm. It will be too bad if it is never released becasue it is a really good show and a great liveband. But I think it will find its audience somehow.

Tonight Anna and I will go to a listeningparty for the new AC DC album. Will be real fun, the new single sounded great, good old primitive AC DC rock. Pretty bluesy.

The Wire still rocks!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Storm Warnings.

So, the biggest reason why I have not been here for awhile is spelled The Wire. I have, about 6 years after everybody else, discovered this absolutely magnificent tv-series. Anna and I are now about halfway into season 2 and we cannot stop. This is one of the few shows I have seen in which every character is fully 3-dimensional. The cops, the villians, the gangsters, they are all good and bad, and no one is 100% of anything. I root just as much for some of the gangsters as some of the cops. Just like I think some cops are worse than some of the gangsters. Truly good writing and good environment. It is funny that two of my favorite shows are both on HBO and both the biggest losses the channel has had. Seems like not that many people like dark dramas with lots of talk and interesting characters. Eveything that The Wire and Deadwood have.
And if anyone cares, my two favorites in The Wire are Bubbles and Omar.

Wrote a long review today about the new Metallica and I tried to be as fair as I could but it is really hard when a band has that much history and that much amazing music and just as much crap behind them. But I think the review turned out ok.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Enchanted Thoughtfist

Some great shows coming up soon, sadly I am missing one of the best ones. The Vaselines have started playing some shows and they are coming to Stockholm. But they play the same weekend that we have rented a car to drive and visit my parents. Which kind of sucks, but at the same time I can not see everything, I tried in New York but that almost killed me.
From what I have heard after the show they did in London, they are supposed to sound great. Out of tune and not very rehearsed, but then again, I expect nothing less.
Hopefully some Nirvana fans will go and see the original.

Back in a Melvins funk right now. Lots of Melvins.