Thursday, May 1, 2008

Songs From The Year Of Our Demise off today, and i was supposed to translate the whole day... well, it went so-so... i translated most of the day, but my translating skills were numb and not so good... things went slow and i had to struggle... so, yeah, i worked hard but have almost nothing to show for it... but i guess that happens some days... now i will try on saturday and sunday too, and hopefully i will be better then...

1st of may today, and man, where did that spring go... it just flew by and i wonder what happened with all the time i had... things go way to fast and i want them to slow down...

re-reading the fuck-up, great book... arthur nersesian has a great flow and wonderful pace in his books, and a very attractive absurdism that i like... went and saw girls agianst boys at the bowery ballroom in new york once, it was one of those years when i saw them four times, and before the show i talked to the bassist julian temple in the bar and he introduced me to arthur, which i had read a lot of by then... and he was this really quiet and shy guy who stood in a corner with a beer just observing... i have no idea what i am trying to say here... maybe it is just the fact that you very rarely meet a author you are actually reading and likes... anyway to stray even more from the subject and make less sense... bowery ballroom was maybe halffull that night, but bono was hanging in the bar drinking guiness and i was really surprised seeing him there and at that specific show... girls against boys were definitely not hip then, and not a show that people went to to be seen at... anyway, i did not talk to him...

but back to reality... what i really wanted to say was that i think i actually appreciate the fuck-up more this time and wish i could write half as good and with as much humour as arthur... but then again if i wrote an eighth as well as bret easton ellis or norman mailer i would not be sitting here blogging would i...

over and out.

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