Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Aly Walk With Me Elsa is staying with us right now... and let me just say this, there is nothing that will make you feel older than going up at 4.45 and having a 21 year old in the apartment that went to bed an hour before you got up...

...other than that the translation is going steadily forward, 70 pages to go and then summer... can not wait... me and anna are going to glasgow to see my bloody valentine and then from there to london to visit billy, susan, pepper and astro... and when we come home from that we are going to stay in a cabin on the swedish westcoast, way out on an island... lets just cross our fingers for nice weather...

...have fallen into a pretty deep butthole surfers pit right now... been spending my mailrounds going through their discography... again... what a brilliant band... and what a uneven band... their highs are so high and their lows are just so low... how can someone produce so much crap when they are that good....

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