Sunday, March 2, 2008

Kent. dave left today, and i will try and really start to write on this page, it seems like i chose a weird time to start this thing...
...two nights ago we went to västerås and saw kent and as usual they were absolutely amazing, great show, with great light and sound... it was also fun to see them outside of stockholm, with a crowd who was not to cool to applaud or dance and even sing along... i guess there is a reason why no bands ever claims that the best show on the tour was in new york, london or stockholm... small towns just rocks a little bit harder...

...but now the apartment is empty and me and anna are alone again, my guess is that we will spend the day in the sofa in front of the tv, some movies, some hockey and a couple of episodes of entourage, maybe even flight of the concords...

...anyway, until the next time...

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