Wednesday, January 28, 2009


Had a bit of a bean-fiasco yesterday, but the chili turned out pretty good anyway. Had it for lunch today also, so I think that is enough chili for awhile. Today I will make fresh pasta with basil and oliveoil. Sounds really hard, doesn't it?

Started watching Beowulf yesterday. Did not look as bad as I had expected at all. Was really annoyed when it came out that it was animated, but haveing seen the first half I understand way. Not sure how "watchable" it would have been with a monster that spent the good part of 15 minutes ripping humans in two, eating them, crushing them and so on with real actors. This way it was a bit easier to watch, and did not have all those Saw vibes. This way it was something i could watch without completely losing interest.

Listening to: Six.BySeven (everything they have done)

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