Sunday, November 9, 2008

Kill your television.

What a week. For a while there I thought I would never be able to sleep again. Is that by the way a sign that I am getting older, the constant talking about sleep? I hope not.
Anyway. 5 shows in 7 days and I got up at 4.45 everyday, except tuesday when I got up at 4.00. So to continue this trend of talking about my lack of sleep. I slept in general 4 hours per night this week, and if me and Anna had not found a free sofa during Spiritualized I am not sure I would have made it through. Which brings me to the next subject. Spiritualized. Great, great show, but very badly paced setlist. Great opening, first 4 songs was just incredible, then after that 1 hour of slow songs and ballads, all individualy amazing, but all in row a bit much. After that 4 rock songs again, and the show is over. And when the show is over I discover that my phone is no longer in my pocket. It has fallen out and landed behind the sofa and the wall. Now the sofa goes along the whole wall of the venue so I can not move it, and my arm is too short to actually reach the phone. So we went home, and I went back the next day, fished it up with some help from a electrician working there.

Song of the day will be by my old heroes. Brilliant song, brilliant video. Turn it up and enjpy!

1 comment:

Staffan said...

Looking forward to the show man!