Monday, October 20, 2008

The Dark Is Rising it took almost two months, but now we are done. Me and anna saw five seasons of The Wire and finished it this weekend. I have always been a huge fan of Deadwood and Homicide, but I actually think that The Wire was better. Homicide might have been better in parts, but the last couple of seasons were pretty bad. The Wire was excellent straight through. I was really worried in the fourth season because things were looking really bleak, bleak for people I liked, characters I was rooting for. But the fifth had a good ending. Not happy Hollywood-style ending, but a realistic ending were things went to hell for characters I loved and really well for some I hated. Just like life.

Anyway. Song of the day. Probably one of the all-time top ten songs. Hands down.


Robert Wictorzon said...

Ehrm,.. you wouldn't mind making these Song of the day links actual, eh, links? :)

mathias skeppstedt said...

yup, how?