Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Suddenly it's a folk song.

So, it seems like the Butthole Surfers have reunited and are touring Europe. Normally this would be very exciting and I would start looking into how to go somewhere and see them. But luckily I looked into it first. And the whole thing sounds pretty damn lame too me. My guess would be that the old Buttholes are once again broke and in desperate need of money. The touring band is Gibby (of course) and the original drummer and bassplayer and 20 (!!!), yes, twenty, kids from the School Of Rock. I mean, what the hell? So we get three Surfers and 20 kids who are going to school to learn how to play an instrument? Hmmm, and they want £45 for this? Jesus, someone is running low on drugs.
And this is the same band that sued their own independent recordcompany for not getting payed enough and wanting the rights to their albums. Which the record company happy gave them to not have to deal with them anymore. And that was the last we heard of Butthole Surfers. No other company wanted them, so their albums dissapeared from the shelves and they could not get a tour together themselves. Now this was 10 years ago.
Anyway, I should not complain to much, I really liked them for awhile. Their last album was really awful though. Really awful.

Sooo, my spelling control does not work right now, so excuse me if the text above looks like i was written by someone who can not spell.

1 comment:

Staffan said...

I do not care about the spelling.. I care about the band who absolutely seem to as you say, be needing money for drugs... Sad...