Saturday, August 23, 2008

That's Not Beef, That's Pork.

Went and saw Atmosphere the other night, and even though it was a great show, I want to talk about another thing.
When we got to the show it was one hour before they were supposed to be on stage and Ant (the dj) stood outside the venue smoking and talking to fans and posing for photos. Slug (the mc) was inside selling t-shirts and cd's at the merchtable. And there he stood until 2 minutes before they went on stage. While on stage he said: While I was selling t-shirts I talked to a lot of you, but not all, so if anyone wants to talk I will be there again after the show.
And I just felt so good. It was great seeing a artist willing to work that hard and really being there for the fans. Yeah, Atmosphere is not a huge band but definitely big enough that they do not have to work the merchtable.
So thanks for that, maybe some more bands should be a bit more humble.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Dig out Your Soul.

Did a phone interview with Liam Gallagher from Oasis today. We have been trying to make it happen for two weeks, but the Gallagher brothers have been really busy and and it has been cancelled a couple of times. But today Liam called me and we talked until his cellphone cut out and the call broke. I thought the interview was over and turned up the volume on the olympics again, when the phone rings and it is Liam again: Sorry, me fucking phone quit on me.
He was really easy to talk to, gave me some great quotes and I think it will be a pretty good article. The best thing is that I really think the new album is great and that they have taken a pretty big step forward, hopefully everyone will agree with me. Because the musicworld is a much more enjoyable plave when the Gallagher brothers are at the centre of attention. It has always been my opinion that no one give better interviews than Oasis. Too bad their music has not been as good lately, but that will change with the new album.

Tonight Atmospehere will play in Stockholm and me and Anna are going. That is, if this damn rainstorm will stop first. I kind of get the impression that neither of us are really interested in going out right now. But then again, it is not everyday that Minneapolis proudest are i town.

Monday, August 18, 2008

I noticed pretty quickly that I could not translate to music that was short and bouncy, I tended to listen to much to the music and not concentrate enough on the words of the text. At the same time, I needed the music to translate and I needed it to be loud. So, I quickly found some stuff that worked and even though it was way more than this, these are the albums I think I listened to the most while translating tokyo suckerpunch:
  • jesu - heartache
  • jesu - eluvium (split)
  • jesu - pale scetches
  • jesu - sunrise/sunset
  • swans - swans are dead
  • swans - the great annihilator
  • red sparowes - every red heart shines towards the red sun
  • my bloody valentine - loveless
  • twelve - 03
  • twelve - houston we have no problem part 1 and 2
  • killing joke - killing joke (1980)
  • mogwai - young team (remastered 2cd)
  • the cure - pornography
  • amusement parks on fire - out of the angeles
  • bauhaus - go away white
  • sianspheric - the sound of the colour of the sun

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tatty Seaside Town.

it is 13.15.
i have just opened a bottle of auchentoshan tripple barrel single malt.
poured myself a healthy glass.
the olympics is on the TV.
and about 5 minutes ago, to the tones of the brand new metallica song cyanide i wrote the last sentence of the translation of tokyo suckerpunch.

over and out.
up the irons.
see you on tour.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Please, do not smoke here.

Took a photo of this sign today in a elevator on my round, and I must say that I am slightly confused. For the people who do not speak Swedish I can tell you that it says: Please, do not smoke here. And as you can see there is a drawing of a women eating soup.
Now I totally understand why you would not want people to smoke in your elevator, but what confuses me is the kind of messages they are trying to give us.
1. Do not smoke here because I am eating soup?
2. This is not a elevator, this is a restaurant?
3. This is not a elevator, this is my kitchen?
4. Do not smoke here because this is where single soup-eating females hang out?
5. Please, feel free to smoke in the rest of this building, but please not in the elevator because we tend to eat our breakfast cereal here on our way to work?

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

So I went and saw the new Batman movie - The Dark Knight. And I must say that I realy liked it, just like the first one (Batman Begins) it was a dark, actionfilled and a character driven movie. Heath Ledger was absolutely amazing, Michael Caine was, as always, brilliant and Christian Bale was as good as ever. And yeah I know that you are supposed to hail Heath Ledger because he is dead and all that, but the fact of the matter is that he was great and it would be sad to hold that back just because he died and everyone wants to talk about how he should get and Oscar and so on.
The way I see it is this. Al Pacino got an Oscar for Scent Of A Woman, and that movie sucked and Al was not especially good. So if we look at it from that point of view, Hell yeah give Heath the Oscar and then some more.
But Daniel-Day Lewis also got an Oscar for My Left Foot, and no Heath is not that good. So there you go, either way it would be right. And who cares about the Oscars anyway? Just see the damn movie.

Listening to: Senseless Things - Empire Of The Senseless

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Suddenly it's a folk song.

So, it seems like the Butthole Surfers have reunited and are touring Europe. Normally this would be very exciting and I would start looking into how to go somewhere and see them. But luckily I looked into it first. And the whole thing sounds pretty damn lame too me. My guess would be that the old Buttholes are once again broke and in desperate need of money. The touring band is Gibby (of course) and the original drummer and bassplayer and 20 (!!!), yes, twenty, kids from the School Of Rock. I mean, what the hell? So we get three Surfers and 20 kids who are going to school to learn how to play an instrument? Hmmm, and they want £45 for this? Jesus, someone is running low on drugs.
And this is the same band that sued their own independent recordcompany for not getting payed enough and wanting the rights to their albums. Which the record company happy gave them to not have to deal with them anymore. And that was the last we heard of Butthole Surfers. No other company wanted them, so their albums dissapeared from the shelves and they could not get a tour together themselves. Now this was 10 years ago.
Anyway, I should not complain to much, I really liked them for awhile. Their last album was really awful though. Really awful.

Sooo, my spelling control does not work right now, so excuse me if the text above looks like i was written by someone who can not spell.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

How to BBQ on your Swedish vacation.

The Pros & Cons Of Hitch-Hiking.

Sometimes being a mailman is the best job in the world. Yeah, sure I get up at 4.45 and that really sucks. But so far in july I have never been of later than 11.00, usually more around 10.20. And that my friends is bloody brilliant.
You sort your mail, fill your little cart and your waterbottle and head out into the sun with great music in your headphones. Then you just walk around in the sun, deliver some mail, drink some water and then you go home. When I head down the escalators to the subway I meet people going to their jobs and I feel that the couple of hours of more sleep they get is just not worth it.
Now, if I only made more money...