Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Cyber Insect

Blasting The Fall on maximum volume while I vacuum my laptop.
Yes, you heard me right, I finally got sick enough of my computer turning itself if all the time, that I did some research online. Well, that is not entirely true, I have done that before, but for some reason never found any good answers. Last night I found one that said that I could take a normal vacuum and just clean the places on the outside that the fan uses.
So that is what I just did, and now it actually works properly. I started with trying all those things that did not work before; watching videos on YouTube, downloading one of my CD's to my iTunes, then downloading two more. And it is still running. Amazing.

The Fall's Interim is worth the price just hear the fire-alarm go of at the end of Bococtosis alarum. I would have loved to be a fly on the wall in their rehersal space.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


Last friday I went and saw the NHL premiere in Stockholm. Detroit played against St Louis and even though Detroit lost it was a great game and St Louis played fantastic. It is pretty scary how much faster NHL hockey is compared to Swedish. It really is about time that we get the smaller rinks over here. We have everything to win and nothing to lose.

Saw The Spirit last night, which was a thouroughly crappy movie. There really is not anything good to say about it. Too bad, because when i was younger I loved the comics.

I think that is it for now. I need to get some food in me.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Dreams Burn Down.

Juliette Lewis finally called me last night.
I have been about to interview her for a long time now, but somehow she always manages to cancel in the absolute last second. But yesterday, right after Superstars on TV, while I put the dishes away she called me. Five minutes early!
I have talked to her before, the last time she was in Stockholm, but to hear that wellknown drawl over the phone was pretty surreal. The interview went pretty good, she is a 100% professional and I did not really have to do much. She talked and told me what she wanted me to know about the new album and when it was time for me to finally ask some questions the interview was over. I am getting used to it by now. There are very few bands out there that do not have prepared answers and feeds you with latest sellingpoints. More and more interviews are also done by phone, which makes them even harder, you have no person to feed of, and you never really get that connection. Instead what you get is a not very focused star that usually is doing something different.
I have interviewed a rappar that was driving around northern London looking for a parkingspace, I have called a singer that had lunch in a loud pub with friends and I have talked to a guitarplayer eating at McDonalds after a show. The hardest one was probably still the death metal guitarist I called in the tourbus going through a desert. I could hardly hear him because the transmission was so bad and after 5 minutes he disapeared and did not get out of the radio-shadow until 8 hours later, when I was slepping. Tough conversation to pick up again.
But then again, the funniest was probably when Al Jourgensen from Ministry called me 10 minutes early and I was in the bathroom. Anna answered and I am not sure she has forgiven me yet.
His opening lines when I got on the phone are classic material.
-Hello, where are you calling from?
-I am naked in bed looking out over the Mexican border.