Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Boy Named Sue

Welcome to the country that has all seasons, all the time.
It seems like we have come to the part of the year that is supposed to be spring but instead is something completely different. We have had now in Stockholm all four seasons everyday. The sad thing is that I am not even exaggerating. On friday we had sun, it was pretty warm and the sky was blue, towards the afternoon it started raining and by late afternoon we had a snowstorm. Yup, a full, straight to the point snowstorm. It was snowing heavily, from the side, and the visibility was zero. After about 2 hours of this whole of Stockholm was covered in snow. Now it is sunday morning, all the snow is gone, it is pretty warm, but the sky is grey and I think it will start to rain.
From this we can also draw one more conclusion. You can tell that I am a Swede who has lived in Minnesota, I spend way too much time talking about the weather.
Oh, and I am a mailman.

The new Isis is really good.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


What you are seeing in this photo is The Sisters Of Mercy from last night. This is a good clear, nice picture of the show. You could claim that my phone sucks, etc, etc, etc, but the truth is that this is what you saw. After about half the show I moved to the back and then I saw a great light show, tons and tons of smoke and heard great music. But once I moved to the back I never saw the band again.
But the show was good, but maybe this is the last time I will see them for awhile. Still the same show, same lights and almost the same show. They need to come up with something new now. Maybe an album??

Last weekend I went and saw Thåström and I can easily say that that was the best show of 2009. I have a hard time seeing how anything can be better then that. With a great new album and an amazing band that turns more and more into The Bad Seeds he is pretty hard to beat. On one guitar Ossler who released last years best album, on drums and the other guitar two guys from Bob Hund and Rockis from Osslers band on bass. Great lights and a really good setlist helped too. So damn good. Hard to believe that he is 52. Especially when he plays Aldrig Nånsin Komma Ner lying rolling around on his back while the band is impersonating a tank.

In other news I am really sucked in to The World Cup Baseball Classics or the World Classics Baseball Cup, it could also be called the Cup Of Classic World Baseball, ha ha, I have no clue. But it is really fun to watch and I am amzed by how good Japan and Korea is. One of them will win the whole Cup of World Baseball Classics.

Ok one more photo.

Monday, March 9, 2009

For The Roses

Hmm, no I do not really have an excuse. I have been lazy, and I have not really been in the mood. But I am back. And I am writing again. Always something, eh.

I have been reading a lot, and I have been listening to a lot of good music, and seen some excellent hockeygames.
The other night Minnesota won over the Sharks in a pretty damn intense game, where I really did not think that Minnesota would have a chance. But they refused to give up and ended up winning.

I also sat up way to late following the trade deadline, which was a bit of an anticlimax. No fun trades, nothing fun at all actually. Maybe the economic crisis have reached the NHL too.

The new Thåström album (which is absolutely amazing) is being released on friday and I am going to go and see him on sunday. As always I am expecting a great show. Especially with the band that he is touring with nowadays. And anyway, I have to see him, I have not missed a tour since Synd in 1986 which was the first time I saw Thåström. It was in a tiny town (or village) outside of Oskarshamn called Blomstermåla and Fleshquartet was opening. Great show.