Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Like Eating Glass

There was supposed to be a photo of our new dishwasher here, but I can not find the cord for the phone. Sorry about that.

But yes!
We now have a dishwasher, and what a mess it was getting it. You know how when you order something on the internet there is something called Billing Adress and something else called Shipping Adress. Well, the company we bought it from did not really know the difference between the two. They shipped the dishwasher to my parents in Oskarshamn... twice!! That is about 4 hours with a car from Stockholm.
But now it is installed and we have testdriven it and it is just beautiful. The only question now is what we are supposed to do in the evenings and on weekend mornings. But I think we will figure something out.

Last night me and Anna went and saw Bloc Party, which were surprisingly good, they were really dancy and I especially liked the up-tempo songs. They were also very untight (if you can say that in english), but then again not everyone can be Mogwai. And if I remember correctly The Bad Seeds can also be very floaty when they are in that mood.

Listening to: The Blood Brothers - Young Machetes

Monday, February 23, 2009

Nobody's Twisting Your Arm

Is it only me or have Morrissey started more and more to sound like David Gedge from The Wedding Present?
Was mainly thinking of the new song Something Is Squeezing My Skull.

Listening to: P.O.S - Never Better

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I Can Smell Your Thoughts

Got really bored of my whole record collection yesterday and I could not find anything at all I wanted to listen to. So I did what I always do in situations like that, I loaded my iPod with everything I had with one band. Yesterday that band happened to be The Leather Nun. So today I spent my route listening to their whole discography from beginning to end, and I must say I was surprised. Some things had of course aged really bad, and the two last albums (Steel Construction and Nun Permanent) were pretty damn bad. But otherwise I really liked it, and some old memories popped up, like the first time I saw them in a tiny basement in Hultsfred they had horns and a tiny moviescreen. Saw them later too, and they were not as good then.

Otherwise I am waiting for the new Mastodon and the new Lamb Of God.

Today i have been writing a article and a bunch of reviews, but I still have some left to do. So better get to it. Right?

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lazy Sunday Afternoon.

Sometimes I just love cable-TV.
Had a pretty damn great sunday today. Started with Minnesota - Vancover, great game that Minnesota won, then Boston - Rangers, but not the best game so we switched to Toronto - Pittsburgh, which was really good. Then it was time for a football break Liverpool - Chelsea, a really suspensful game that Liverpool won. Dinner some dishes and then Ottowa - Washington. And now it is 21.00 and Boston - Montreal is just starting.

Over and out.