Friday, October 31, 2008


Just a short one. I am about to go and see Division Of Laura Lee.

But ten years ago today Shellac played a show in Chicago and came out on stage with David Yow from The Jesus Lizard. They were dressed as the Sex Pistols and played the whole show in character. A classic show that I really wished I had seen.

So here it is the only thing that exists from that show, one photo and a song taped on a walkman:

Thursday, October 30, 2008


So my old favorite band, that refuses to quit or release a new album, has decided to once again tour the world with the same new songs that are never recorded and the same old songs that everone wants to hear in the old versions. I am of course speaking of The Sisters Of Mercy, a band I just can not let go. I know I should, and every time I see them nowadays I get a little dissapointed. But still I can not help myself. They are still too close to my heart and evertime they tour the same thing happens. I log in to the forum everyday, checking setlists, reading reviews and downloading the liveshows. Especially since Christ Catalyst (aka Robochrist) joined the band, which I think is the most exciting thing in a long time.
And the reason I am writing this is of course that they just started a new tour, and so far the reports say, some surprises in the setlist and some new arrengements.

Anyway, song of the day..... of course (from this summer):

Monday, October 27, 2008


Boring monday today. Boring route and boring weather. Spent most of the day listening to old Einsturzende Neubauten albums. They were incredible good once upon a time, sometimes I forget that.

Went out to a small place in Orminge (outside of Stockholm) on saturday and saw Thåström play a solo-show only backed by a accoustic guitar. Probably one of THE best shows I have seen, even though it was only about 45 minutes long. But seeing Thåström in such a small place do an intimate show like that was very special. Especially since he pulled out two old songs that I have never seen live and I have seen him on pretty much every tour since 1987. The songs were Höghus, låghus och dårhus and Die Mauer. It was absolutely amazing, I got goosebumbs and I do not think I was alone.

Anyway, enough of that. Song of the day, pure bloody pop of the best kind.

Friday, October 24, 2008

One Dub Island

It is friday and I am beat. This week went way too fast, and I had way too much work. The fact that I slept badly the whole week did not help either. But now it is friday and I am going to have a beer and some salt & vinegar chips.

Right now I am reading Låt den rätte komma in (or if you prefer english: Let The Right One In, or as the original Morrissey song is called that the title is taken from: Let The Right One Slip In) and it is absolutely great. The movie premiered in Sweden today and I have to read the book fast before someone at work says too much. But that should not be too hard since I can hardly put it down. So read it if you can, or see the movie, at least over here the reviews have been great, but I think they have in the US too.

Got the new album from A Place To Bury Strangers yesterday, and I am completely blown away. Easily one of the best albums I have heard this year.

And since it is friday the song of the day will be a party one (not the video though) and that also means that you need to turn it up, LOUD:

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Jesus? This is Iggy!

Listening to Mindless Self Indulgence and getting blown away. Amazing band!
Sat up last night and watched baseball. Not that I am a great baseball fan, but it is great to see such underdogs win and prove everyone wrong. Might even get a heathen like me to continue to watch the World Series. Go Rays!!

Listened to the new The Cure in the rain today. And after a first listen, I think I like it. Reminded me of Wish, and that is always good, I guess.

Seems like I should make my song of the day links, actual links. Hmm, I have no idea how to do that. Help!

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Dark Is Rising it took almost two months, but now we are done. Me and anna saw five seasons of The Wire and finished it this weekend. I have always been a huge fan of Deadwood and Homicide, but I actually think that The Wire was better. Homicide might have been better in parts, but the last couple of seasons were pretty bad. The Wire was excellent straight through. I was really worried in the fourth season because things were looking really bleak, bleak for people I liked, characters I was rooting for. But the fifth had a good ending. Not happy Hollywood-style ending, but a realistic ending were things went to hell for characters I loved and really well for some I hated. Just like life.

Anyway. Song of the day. Probably one of the all-time top ten songs. Hands down.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Without msg I am nothing

I sat down, opened a document, I was alone and prepared to do some serious writing, iTunes was loaded with good writing music (Neurosis The Eye Of Every Storm, Mogwai Come On Die Young, The Wedding Present Seamonsters), I poured myself a big glass of water, the light was good, the mood was good.
I typed a sentence, maybe two, they were pretty good, maybe I was onto something, maybe the words would flow, I lifted my glass of water, I looked at the screen, one of fingers caught a cable (for the iPod I would guess), my hand twitched with the cord and a gulp of water sailed through the air and landed on my laptop. To be more precise it landed on the Space, m, n, b ä, ö, l buttons.
So there you have it, that is why I stopped updating this page. My computer does not really work anymore. I have borrowed a keyboard from Mats that I am now writing on. Most of my keys are not working. Next week I will hand in the laptop for some kind of service. It will be expensive and it will not be fun.

Anyway, no song of the day today. For some reason the water in the laptop is stopping me from entering YouTube. Maybe just as well, I spend too much time there anyway.

I can tell you what I am listening to right now though.
AC DC – Black Ice
Carbon/Silicon – The Last Poet
Mercury Rev – Snowflake Midnight

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Chord Of Souls

Listening to the new AC DC and doing some writing. Beautiful day today, but a bit too cold to sit and read on the balcony. Otherwise not much new. Saw Rules of attraction again, since it is one of my favorite Ellis books. Pretty good, but they miss so much from the book. Not scenes and plot so much, I am fine with that, but emotions and they way it is written in that you can not trust the narrators. But Avery is doing a great job and is very imaginative with the editing and filming.

Song of the day will be a old one I had almost forgot about. It is a solo-cut from Bon Geldof with a brilliant video, so check it out:

Monday, October 13, 2008

Council Housed and Violent

So that took awhile. Saw that my last post was 10 days ago. Hmmm, not good.

I went and saw NHL in Stockholm, Penguins - Senators, great game and really fun. Johannes, Staffan and Henrik came up and stayed at our apartment and saw the game. Henrik had to go back right after the game though since he had work early in the morning.

Finished Murakami's Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. Great book, really, really odd, but great. I had a lowpoint in the middle where I got slightly bored but then it kicked off again. Maybe not as good as Kafka on the shore, but better than Norweigan Wood.
Right now I am reading the new P-O Enqvist. So far, so good.

What else? My knee is messing with me, so right now I am on sickleave. Pretty damn boring. And pretty weird. I am home but I am not sick. And since my knee is whack I can not really go anywhere, so I am stuck here. Catching up with stuff, writing, watching movies, doing dishes, listening to albums and reading. Will get old pretty fast I reckon.

So song of the day... hmm, guess I will just post what I am listening to while I am writing this:

Friday, October 3, 2008

Queen Bee and her pals.

This was one long week. I thought for a while that the weekend would never come. But now it is friday and I have taken a bath, listened to John Coltrane and had myself a whiskey. Johannes have been here for two days and he will be back on sunday for the hockey. On sunday it is the NHL premiere and here in Stockholm we have the honour of Pittsburgh - Ottawa. The teams have been here for a week to get over jetlag and practice and even playing some swedish teams.

Right now I am reading The Wind-up Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami, so far a really good book, even though not as good as Kafka on the shore, which I loved. So read any of those if you have the chance.

As the song of the day I have choses one of THE best riffs ever written, by one of the coolest band ever. So turn it up and enjoy!